Monthly Archives: February 2013

Following a fellow seamstress

On the subject of knickers, Mrs Depew of A Few Threads Loose is hosting a giveaway for one of her new patterns. It’s for some gorgeous french knickers that I’m crossing my fingers for. If you don’t read her blog already, you should, and if you haven’t entered the giveaway already, as much as it […]

Ohhh Betty

You must know about Ohhh Lulu, right? Sarah Norwood’s beautiful lingerie line. One day they will all be mine, but until then she has been gracious enough to allow home-sewers the opportunity (patterns) to make their own. So far there is a Ginger swimsuit pattern, a Betty knicker pattern and a thong. These are made […]


Do you ever get around to finishing old projects that went astray? I prefer to banish them to an unused wardrobe and leave them to hang, so the shame doesn’t haunt me. Dramatic, huh? If I keep seeing it, I keep feeling bad. This way, I can leave it in relatively okay condition waiting for […]